What services do you provide? Pregnancy Support, Birth Support, Postpartum Support
Languages spoken: English
Certified as a birth and post natal doula in 2021, Cally Bruer has decades of experience as a natural therapist, working with touch through massage, cranio sacral therapy and reflexology. (Reflexology being the jewel in the crown for pregnant women.)
After several years working as a homoeopath, the innate threads of therapeutic understanding are embedded and are shared lovingly, connecting her with her clients, building relationships designed for their own growth and for the miraculous experience of pregnancy, birth and motherhood.
Cally is the mother of adult children, and keeper of one profoundly sad experience of neonatal death. Through this experience, and the more gentle experience of her subsequent births, she’s become well versed in the full context of pregnancy and childbirth and the capacity of a woman (and her partner) to meet whatever is delivered to them. Working to help her transition from the deep wounding, shock and grief, to a place of understanding, acceptance, grace and dignity.
Cally’s experience working with an independent funeral organisation has brought even deeper skills and capacity to her ability to work with the pain of grief and sadness, as equally as she works with the joy and bliss that comes with most births. Cally is pragmatic and dependable, with counselling experience to lean on, and will work with mothers with a committed and full presence, sensitivity, care and encouragement, to provide service with dignity.
Marrickville, NSW
Phone: 0406 348 672
Email: callybruer@gmail.comÂ
Website: callybruer.weebly.comÂ
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/callywinterbruer/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.callywinterbruer
Completed Training: 2021