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End Of Life Doula


Melbourne and surrounds


Reiki 1, End of Life Celebrant

About me

Hi, my name's Anne.

I have previously been a palliative care volunteer for 13 years. Dedicated and passionate advocate for those who are overwhelmed about their end of life (choices). Living in comfort without pain is paramount for everyone. Being with those who are facing their end of life can be overwhelming, unsure, often frightening. Many feel isolated at this stage of life. To share these emotions is such a personal connection. My aim is to do my utmost for those who are facing their end of life journey. Using my starter cards – “Your Life Wishes” and “Your Life Story” sourced by Your Life Talks are an easy and comfortable way should the client like to have their story written. A warm foot soak works wonders. Removing some of the unknown and embracing our lives together is rewarding and comfortable/safe for all.

I completed the 4 day intensive Preparing the Way course sharing of knowledge to gain as much knowledge before registering as an End of Life Doula. I continue to improve my knowledge and skillset to learn and be aware of current trends and legal aspects of end of life options.

I also have current membership with several complimentary associations relative to end of life as well as a passionate and dedicated independent End of Life Celebrant. Having trained as a funeral celebrant (6 day live in course 10 years ago) as well as being a current member with the funeral industry enables me to be up to date with current options. This is an additional optional service for clients and their family.

Other practices: Reiki 1, Hand foot and head massage, Aromatherapy foot soaks, Before, during and after End Of Life Celebrant.

My skills and training

Working as a qualified doula since

Oct 1, 2017

The languages I speak are


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